Delivery Information
Failed Delivery
Please make sure your shipping details are up to date. If the package cannot be delivered to the given shipping address due to (wrong or incorrect shipping address, absent receiver,) or if the customer refuses to collect the package, the package will be returned to the sender (TYRESSE) at the customers expense. The expense includes shipping costs and any duty and tax the package may have incurred; this amount will be deducted from the total of the order to be refunded.
Items Not Received But Tracking Shows Delivered
Please note we do not refund or replace items that are marked as delivered by the courier. For this reason, we always recommend that you get items delivered to a secure address. Visit our FAQ page for more details.
Tyresse. The beginning.
In 2019, Tyresse emerged, previously recognized as 'Drip Store,' founded by Byron Tyresse Rennie. Originating as a hip-hop jewellery brand, our narrative unfolds over four years, culminating in a purposeful rebrand. Committed to reshaping the landscape of fashion sustainably. Our mission is to produce enduring, timeless and impeccably crafted pieces.
Tyresse's Mission
Our Values.
Giving back: Tyresse believes in supporting local charities, organizations, and entrepreneurs.
Creativity: Tyresse celebrate individuality and creativity in all aspects of the brand, from Customer service to Product design.
Sustainability: Tyresse promotes sustainable practices and reducing the brand's environmental footprint.
Craftsmanship: Tyresse aim to use only the highest quality materials to produce their products.
Innovation: Tyresse embrace new technologies and push the boundaries of design.
Tyresse Client Services
Tyresse Complimentary Packaging
Complimentary Shipping & Returns